Welcome to the open kilonova catalog! Kilonovae (also known as macronovae) are the transients associated with the ejecta resulting from the mergers of neutron stars with other compact, relativistic objects (such as other neutron stars or black holes). The goal of this catalog is to act as a centralized, open repository for kilonova metadata, light curves, and spectra. The list of kilonovae available here is scraped from various data repositories and individual publications. If you use this data, please reference the cited sources of that data. We’d also appreciate if you referenced the paper describing the Open Astronomy Catalogs. Thanks!
The table below is generated from JSON files produced by AstroCats, which agglomerates
the data for each kilonova as a series of JSON files that all adhere to the same schema. The entirety of the
data available for any kilonova can be downloaded by clicking the icon in the Data column. If you would like to contribute data
yourself, please visit our contribute page. Advanced data
retrieval options are available via the OACAPI. If you spot any
mistakes, please create a new
issue on our GitHub issue tracking page, or contact us via e-mail.
Tips for searching: Individual column searches (the text boxes at the bottom of the table) support basic logical operators. Criteria can be comma separated to match multiple criteria, e.g. NGC, UGC in the host field would return entries that match one or the other. Surrounding a selection in double quotes will enforce an exact match, e.g. “Ia” will match Ia and not Ia P. Adding an exclamation point to your query will negate the query, e.g. !ASASSN in the name column will return all events without ASASSN in its name. For numeric columns basic limits and ranges are supported; for instance, to search for events with redshifts less than 0.2, enter <0.2 into the z column filter field at the bottom of the table. Our search syntax currently supports <, >, <=, >=, ranges (e.g. 0.2 – 0.4), and multiple simultaneous criteria (e.g. OR) when individual rules are comma separated (e.g. <0.2, 1.0 – 1.5).